Monday, August 23, 2021

Dave Gillingwater Teaches Winter Gardening to Relief Society Sisters

       Winter gardens can't be grown in many places, but they are perfect for California.  Dave says that our prophets have always told us that we need to be prepared temporally as well as spiritually for our time.  President Kimball has said, "Eat what you grow."

   Dave taught a lesson to Relief Society sisters on growing a garden in the winter. He passed out a chart telling when to plant various seed, how to transplant, how far apart seeds should be, and how far apart the rows should be.  Broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage, and sugar peas all grow well in the winter.  "If you don't have much room," Dave says, "plant near a fence and let sugar peas grow up the fence." Another thing he taught is to adapt to your situation.  Plant the things your family will eat.

   The picture above shows some of the fruits and vegetables grown in the winter.  The round red "tomatoes" are not tomatoes, but persimmons, Dave says.  He brought Dixie cups and potting soil to plant 5 or 6 types of seed and begin their growth.

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