Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Primary Children Present Touching Sacrament Meeting Program

    Beautiful music and sweet testimonies highlighted the Primary's presentation.  Even the youngest children participated and sang a beautiful song ending in "I'll find my own sacred grove,"  Other touching lines from a song were: "I know He lives. I will follow Him, and I know that my Savior Loves me."

Four songs were sung -- each by a different group, and in a different language: Portuguese, Italian, Tongan, and Spanish.  They did an amazing job.   Then older children gave talks and the group sang "I love to see the temple, I'm going there some day."

   For the closing song, the children sang the first verse of "The Spirit of God," then joined the congregation in the other three verses.

California Pioneer History Event


   Mokelumne River Ward members participated in the annual California Pioneer History day.  Lodi Stake Communications Director Cathy Leonard (above in white apron and bonnet) and Laura Crayun,Stake  Relief Society 2nd counselor were instrumental in helping the event succeed.

   Another member of the ward, Kathy Marshall is a "California Living History Missionary" and was highly involved in producing all of these events through the years. The occasion celebrates the Ship Brooklyn saints who came to California to settle a place for the main body of saints who were coming West. Two hundred and thirty-eight pioneers were recruited to sail to the West coast.  It took them six months to sail 24,000 miles around cape Horn and arrive in Alta California, surviving two terrible storms.  They were instrumental in building San Francisco. Then Brigham Young and the saints arrived in the Salt Lake valley and it was announced that that was the new gathering place for the saints. The Brooklyn Saints wanted to go there but lacked resources to undertake an 800 mile journey. Within three months gold was discovered and and gave them the needed money.  Samuel Brannan became a millionaire and others were promptly rewarded for their work in placer mines along the American River. The help from the Brooklyn saints made it possible for the Utah group to succeed in settling. (This is the short version.  Read the entire story on the Wikipedia written by Kathy Marshall.

    Children pioneers had lots of fun doing all the activities planned for them in the beautiful setting of Marshall Gold Discovery Stake Park in Coloma, California. The picture in the upper right is called 
"The Storm Coaster," and while riding on it one has the experience of how it feels to be on rough water.  One little boy had so much fun that he did it seven times.

Top Picture:  Three Mokelumne River Ward families not only enjoyed the day, but camped overnight in the beautiful mountains. They were the Brad Parker, Tim Shull and Don Daley families.
Bottom Picture:  A group of young men and women sang pioneer songs for everyone to enjoy.

Mokelumne River Ward Contributes to Refugee Food Project

   Mokelumne River Ward has joined other wards in the Sacramento area to provide food for the refugees who are coming in from Afghanistan.  Thirty boxes were delivered last week, and 60 more will go to Sacramento next week. So far the stake has assembled 157 kits.  There are now another 67 kits at the Bishops Storehouse.  The plan is to build that up to 100, so when the Church Welcome Center calls for another 30-60 kits we are always ready.  The kits include flour, rice, cooking oil, tomato sauce, kidney beans, garbanzo beans, lentil beans, raisins and tea.

   The young children have been busy coloring welcome cards and notes to welcome the refugees.  They are helped by the Sister Missionaries.

Sister Missionaries Clean Up Cemetery


      Sister  Gonzalez and Sister McLeod, our current ward missionaries, went to "Just Serve" on the Internet to see if they could find a service project.  They found that the historical Harmony Grove Cemetery needed some upkeep. So they volunteered.  They were helped by Manual (top picture,) a man they encountered while searching for people to teach.  They knocked on his door and asked him if he would like to help rake leaves.  He agreed and helped them out, as did Lisa Holden, Bishop Holden's wife.

    The bottom picture gives us a clue as to how much fun this project was!!  We have amazing full time missionaries in our ward.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Missionary Work Involves Love, Share, Invite

     There was a 5th Sunday in October, so it was used to enhance and encourage missionary work.  Brother Don Daley (center) is ward mission leader and led the discussion based on love, share, invite.  Sister missionaries Sister Gonzalez (left and Sister McLeod (right) spoke about the importance of these three things in having success in presenting the gospel to non-members. The group was composed of both adults and youth in the ward.

       Brother Daley asked the congregation to form three groups.  Each was to take one of the three subjects, discuss how it could be achieved and why it was important.  The reporter in group three was Owen Daley (right) and he did an excellent job of leading and reporting.

    Some of the suggestions from the groups are: introduce yourself, smile, serve each other, text or call, ministering to everyone, listen to the spirit, pray for people, be genuine and show genuine interest,  courage to act on inspiration, practice love, be friendly, build relationships, build a happy home where love can be felt.  Last, but not least: "You'll never meet someone the Lord doesn't love,"

Young Men and Young Women Celebrate Their Ancestors

 The oldest Young Women class (15-18,)  led by their leader Hilary Sroufe planned a joint activity to celebrate eternal families and loved  ones who have left this life.

    Each member of the group was asked to bring a picture or memento of an ancestor or family member. These are the pictures and objects that were displayed.

    Several things were encouraged:  Beginning a story of your own life, learning something about your ancestor, looking on the Family Search app to find out more.  Several found names ready to be taken to the temple!

   Another fun aspect of the evening was for each person to bring a family recipe dish or treat to share.  For example, cookies their grandma made or a roll recipe passed down in their family.  They definitely had a great night celebrating their families!

Best Halloween Ever


       The Mokelumne River Ward Halloween event was a great success.  A crowd of children and parents dressed in costumes "Trunk-or-Treated" the delightfully decorated car trunks prepared by various families.  The Halloween goodies were donated by members of the ward.  Before the candy hunt started, the children had a parade and showed off their costumes. The Primary was in charge of the event and was headed by Primary president Ginny Shull (bottom left.)

   Here are six of the beautifully decorated trunks. The children could visit them all--at the same time not having to worry about unsafe conditions. Everyone's participation  is what made this Saturday a wonderful time for the Halloween tradition which calendared the next day (Sunday.)

Young Women Make Fall Wreaths

    The youngest and oldest class in YW made fall wreaths and had a Halloween party. Sister Jill Disch came and taught the girls great wreath making skills! They also painted pumpkins and had a great time!