Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Mokelumne River Ward Contributes to Refugee Food Project

   Mokelumne River Ward has joined other wards in the Sacramento area to provide food for the refugees who are coming in from Afghanistan.  Thirty boxes were delivered last week, and 60 more will go to Sacramento next week. So far the stake has assembled 157 kits.  There are now another 67 kits at the Bishops Storehouse.  The plan is to build that up to 100, so when the Church Welcome Center calls for another 30-60 kits we are always ready.  The kits include flour, rice, cooking oil, tomato sauce, kidney beans, garbanzo beans, lentil beans, raisins and tea.

   The young children have been busy coloring welcome cards and notes to welcome the refugees.  They are helped by the Sister Missionaries.

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