Thursday, November 4, 2021

Missionary Work Involves Love, Share, Invite

     There was a 5th Sunday in October, so it was used to enhance and encourage missionary work.  Brother Don Daley (center) is ward mission leader and led the discussion based on love, share, invite.  Sister missionaries Sister Gonzalez (left and Sister McLeod (right) spoke about the importance of these three things in having success in presenting the gospel to non-members. The group was composed of both adults and youth in the ward.

       Brother Daley asked the congregation to form three groups.  Each was to take one of the three subjects, discuss how it could be achieved and why it was important.  The reporter in group three was Owen Daley (right) and he did an excellent job of leading and reporting.

    Some of the suggestions from the groups are: introduce yourself, smile, serve each other, text or call, ministering to everyone, listen to the spirit, pray for people, be genuine and show genuine interest,  courage to act on inspiration, practice love, be friendly, build relationships, build a happy home where love can be felt.  Last, but not least: "You'll never meet someone the Lord doesn't love,"

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