Wednesday, November 17, 2021

California Pioneer History Event


   Mokelumne River Ward members participated in the annual California Pioneer History day.  Lodi Stake Communications Director Cathy Leonard (above in white apron and bonnet) and Laura Crayun,Stake  Relief Society 2nd counselor were instrumental in helping the event succeed.

   Another member of the ward, Kathy Marshall is a "California Living History Missionary" and was highly involved in producing all of these events through the years. The occasion celebrates the Ship Brooklyn saints who came to California to settle a place for the main body of saints who were coming West. Two hundred and thirty-eight pioneers were recruited to sail to the West coast.  It took them six months to sail 24,000 miles around cape Horn and arrive in Alta California, surviving two terrible storms.  They were instrumental in building San Francisco. Then Brigham Young and the saints arrived in the Salt Lake valley and it was announced that that was the new gathering place for the saints. The Brooklyn Saints wanted to go there but lacked resources to undertake an 800 mile journey. Within three months gold was discovered and and gave them the needed money.  Samuel Brannan became a millionaire and others were promptly rewarded for their work in placer mines along the American River. The help from the Brooklyn saints made it possible for the Utah group to succeed in settling. (This is the short version.  Read the entire story on the Wikipedia written by Kathy Marshall.

    Children pioneers had lots of fun doing all the activities planned for them in the beautiful setting of Marshall Gold Discovery Stake Park in Coloma, California. The picture in the upper right is called 
"The Storm Coaster," and while riding on it one has the experience of how it feels to be on rough water.  One little boy had so much fun that he did it seven times.

Top Picture:  Three Mokelumne River Ward families not only enjoyed the day, but camped overnight in the beautiful mountains. They were the Brad Parker, Tim Shull and Don Daley families.
Bottom Picture:  A group of young men and women sang pioneer songs for everyone to enjoy.

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