Sunday, July 24, 2022

"Bloom Where You're Planted" is theme of Relief Society Activity

   The Relief Society never has an activity without delicious food to complement it. Activities director Stacy Kadlacsik (right)  introduced the program and invited sisters to choose from the assortment of fresh fruit and vegetables to eat while the program was beginning. 

     Dave Gillingwater was the guest presenter and explained various things about mostly fall gardening, as well as providing some food storage tips.  The picture on the left is one of the pages from a book he keeps of all the things he grows in his garden.  On the right he is explaining how gardening varies depending on where you live in the world.

       One of the fascinating things Dave taught was how to grow wheat sprouts.  He said that for 37 cents you can buy enough wheat to put in a tray with water and grow enough sprouts to last for two weeks for use in sandwiches, salads, and other things.  
     All the sisters had an opportunity to plant seeds in cups to take home. They were told to punch holes in the bottom of the cup to prevent water from staying in the cup, then soak the seeds for 4 or 5 days before planting.  In the top right picture is Andrea Mogler (Relief Society committee member) and Tami Woods (second counselor in Relief Society) overseeing and helping with the project.
   All of the sisters received handouts "Vegetable Garden Basics" with explanations and details about winter gardening.


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