Friday, July 29, 2022

Hygiene Kits Delivered to Nonprofit Agencies


   The Relief Society assembled most of the items for hygiene kits that were then assembled by the Young Women at Girls Camp.  Then they were delivered to three nonprofit agencies in Lodi with the help of Lisa Clegg, Mokelumne Ward Relief Society President, and her daughter Leanna and her son Logan. Picture on the left is Lisa chatting with Cheryl Francis, director of Grace & Mercy Foundation.

    In the picture on the right, Lisa, Logan, and Lenna with A.J., a volunteer at Grace and Mercy, loaded cases of hygiene kits. One case for Grace & Mercy and one case for the new Lodi Access Center for unhoused people of the area.

   Above: Leanna and Logan at the Showered With Love bus that was converted to three shower units for the less fortunate of Lodi. The inset picture is the Clegg family presenting hygiene kits to Mary Jarrard, Director of Showered With Love while the bus as parked at Gravity Church in Lodi.

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