Friday, July 29, 2022

Young Men and Young Women Venture Out to Find Lost Sheep

    Youth leaders had a unique plan to teach YM and YW about the importance of bringing a lost sheep back to the fold (Luke 15:4-5.)  Several adults were asked to be "lost sheep" roaming in stores.  The youth were to find them, and when found the lost sheep would give them a paper with their name on to turn in at the end of the event.

   In the picture on the left, Ardell Gillingwater has been found shopping in Target.  In the middle picture  Judy Wilcox was shopping for paper goods in Staples when she was discovered by two Young Women.

   Pat Ambrosi is in yellow pants in the picture on the right.  She said she was easy to find because the youth in the past had brought painted rocks and candy to her home.  She was accompanied by Julie Kozak who is standing to Pat's left in the white shirt.  They were shopping n Marshalls where Julie found a pair of slacks she wanted to buy before they were discovered. 

   Before the group began their activity YM leader Kendal Mecham shared a spiritual thought on following the Savior.  At the conclusion the group returned to the chapel to enjoy cookies with Bishop Holden and his wife Lisa,  and listen to a selection from a conference talk by Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf.
   "You ay feel that your life is in ruins.  You may have sinned.  You may be afraid, angry, grieving, or tortured by doubt.  But just as the Good Shepherd finds His lost sheep, if you will only left up; your heart to the Savior of the world, and He will find you.  He will rescue you.  He will lift you and place you on His shoulders.  He will carry you home."
   YM leader Don Daley summed it up by saying, "We are all lost sheep at some point and the Savior is always looking for us, waiting to bring us home."

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