Saturday, December 31, 2022

Organizational Wrap-Ups for 2022

                           Young Women

   Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all the ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."
     "Trust in the Lord" was the theme for our youth in 2022. The Young Women of the Mokelumne River Ward have learned to "Trust in the Lord" and have found strength in their shared experiences as they have participated in the youth-led, leader supported activities. Under the guidance of President Hilary Sroufe and her counselors, Brenda Casper and Lisa Holden, the young woman planned and participated in several temple trips, unique service opportunities, and many skill building activities, as well as, plenty of relationship supporting fun. 
     Some highlights from the year were our temple trips, the former missionaries presentation night, the visit to River Fountains Care Facility where we spent time making friends with some of Lodi's more mature members, girls camp, the fall beach trip, and our friends-giving meal where many non-member friends joined us. These are just a few of the many activities our YW participated in this year which also include our Young Women Sunday lessons, firesides and stake activities. In other words, the youth are very busy!
     In October, we said goodbye to Sister Sroufe and her counselors while welcoming our new presidency, comprised of President Brenda Casper, first counselor Lisa Clegg and second counselor Megan Daley. Through this change, we learned that two things can be true at once and although, we were deeply saddened to say goodbye to Sister Sroufe and Sister Holden, and are very thankful for all they have done to love and support our young woman, we are very excited about the future with Sister Casper and her new presidency. 
     As this year comes to a close and we have an opportunity to reflect back, we are very thankful for all of those individuals who worked tirelessly to love and support our young women. Young women leaders leading by example and showing them what it means to truly trust in the Lord will have lasting consequence for years to come as understanding, faith and testimonies grow. We are equally thankful for the young women of our ward. They inspire through their thoughtful deeds and strong testimonies.  Their spirits help to uplift and strengthen those around them and we look forward to the strong women that they will become. 
             Relief Society
    President Lisa Clegg, and her counselors Suzanne Fairbanks and Tami Woods, with secretary
Julie McGhie, led the Mokelumne River ward Relief Society for most of 2022. During this time,
they brought the sisters closer to Christ—by facilitating the study of messages from our prophets
and apostles with wonderful teachers, Jenny Haynes and Cyndie Parker, by reaching out to the
sisters constantly through ministering interviews and one-on-one outreach, and through
enrichment activities monthly. They led a sister’s trip to the Sacramento temple in May and
September, game night August, a garden party in June, organized a Spring-cleaning activity in
April, and a service-with-love outreach in February.
         In late October, Sister Clegg and her valiant presidency were released, and a new Relief Society
presidency was called. President Julie Cooper and first counselor Kari Fairbanks, second
counselor Cyndie Parker, and secretary Betty McOmber will lead the Mokelumne River ward
into 2023. Sara Farlee has been called to replace Cyndie in the teaching line-up.
          Behind the scenes, so many sisters were involved in good works! Ardell Gillingwater and the
sisters who serve with her organized meals to so many who were in temporary need; without a
formal calling, many other sisters simply stepped in to help. Whether it is Bonnie Raingruber
visiting an elderly sister every single week to organize her medications, or Rita Caldwell, who
though long retired, still uses her professional nursing skills to help sisters in need, or Shirley
Mason, providing gorgeous poinsettias to decorate the chapel throughout December, most
service is done quietly, privately, acts small and large but constant as sisters minister to each
   The power and testimony of the Savior was shown in Primary each week.  As the year began we learned songs that strengthened what the children have learned in class and at home about the stories in the Old Testament.  These teachings were solidified through songs such as "The Covenant" which gave the children the explanation and promises the covenants bring.  The song "Choose To Serve the Lord" taught them that they can be valiant in many ways like the heroes and heroines in the Old Testament.  The power of music in primary is real--the children often felt the spirit as they sang.
   The Primary children also had fun at the Unbirthday party in April?  Seventy-six children attended and celebrated.  We learned about the temple as primary families gathered on the temple grounds for a short lesson, craft and family photos were taken.  The primary presidency has visited every child in their home and tried to share with them the love their Savior has for each of them.

Service is a Continuing Circle

   Jackie came to Lodi in 2011 when she married Loren Perry.  Both of them had lost their mates.  She loved to take pictures as she explored her new world.  Jackie very quickly became one of the busiest sisters in the ward.  She was always taking food to a family in need, or being a friend to a sister who was having a difficult time.  She could drive someone to the doctor if necessary, or shop for groceries.  She is skilled in music and sang in the choir and could lead a chorus if necessary.
   Now, unfortunately, she is the one needing help.  She has been in weak health for several years, but in addition to that she recently fell and has been unable to walk for weeks.  It's Christmas season and her birthday was December 21.

   When Jackie Perry fell and broke her leg, she spent days in the hospital and two weeks in a care facility.  She didn't have many (if any) happy moments.  But that changed when she was allowed to come home. Her face in the picture above tells it all.  The Young Men in the ward came and sang Christmas carols to her. They were accompanied by a smiling Bishop Adam Sroufe (sitting next to her) and four adult male leaders (who aren't in the picture.)  Sister Jackie Perry said, "It was so touching. I felt that they were giving me a gift that they couldn't give in any other way."

      Help in the home was still needed.  Families in the ward brought food for the Perrys, came to visit, ran errands, and sent cards filled with love.  The five sisters in this picture were there on her birthday (more details below.)  They are from L to R: Ann Kerr, Ardell Gillingwater, Rita Caldwell, Jackie's sister Cindy Van Gergen, and Kitty Tippets, a long time friend and member who lives with the Perry's and helps out.

       Jackie turned 81 on December 21.  Not being able to have a normal celebration, the pictures above show a little of the joy she felt on this birthday. Jackie  loves music so she was given a set of ear pods (lying on her shirt) so she could listen to beautiful music anytime she wanted. Sister Kerr set her up with a musical app and showed her how to use the pods.  Going to A&W for a root beer float is a tradition that couldn't be missed, so the sisters rounded up some mugs and made it happen in her home.  Jackie received many birthday cards which she enjoyed reading.
   The reason we've giving more space in the ward history to a birthday, is so future readers can get a feeling for how Mokelumne River members look out for, and help, each other. They are truly serving in the Savior's way--and this goes on all year long.

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Ward Christmas Party Celebrates the Birth of Christ

     All of the organizations in the ward contributed to a Christmas celebration that was beautiful, timely, and touched the hearts of the large group who attended. Visitors began their experience by exploring a room of nativities contributed by various families, enhanced by lights and decorations.  Some of the nativities were created by hand from Christ-loving people around the world.

   Next we are in Bethlehem where the Inn Keeper lets us know that that is NO room for Mary and Joseph.  They will have to look elsewhere.  Next we see a stable where Mary and Joseph welcome the newborn Christ child.  (Editor's note: This is a VERY beautiful stable!)

   The decorations for dinner were lovely and many walked around the hall to see them all before choosing a seat.  A young pianist played music while the crowd made their way through a delicious assortment of salad, potatoes, meat, bread, vegetables, and dessert. (Contributed by almost everyone who came!) Our fulltime Sister Missionaries (lower center pix) enjoyed the evening.

   To end the evening our new bishop, Bishop Adam Sroufe led us in singing Christmas carols. Everyone had a sheet of paper with the words on it and it sounded like a heavenly choir.

    As a final act of kindness these girls made sure each family had an ornament to take home and hang on their Christmas tree. It displayed the theme of the occasion: "Each of us is an innkeeper who decides if there is room for Jesus."

Christmas Boxes for Grace Mercy Foundation

An assortment of adult volunteers from Mokelumne River Ward came to the aid of Grace Mercy and their delivery of food to those in need.  Our group filled 60 Christmas boxes of food that were delivered by the foundation.

Ward Youth and Children Participate in Lodi Light Parade

    The Lodi Light Parade is an annual event organized by the Lodi Kiwanis Club.  It draws thousands of spectators from all over the region and attracts between 60 and 80 entrants.  This is the 27th parade, but the first time in several years that the Lodi Wards have participated.  This was a great opportunity  for community outreach as our ward members, young and old, participated in the parade by both walking next to and riding on the float. Their theme was "Light the World" and banners were prominently displayed on the float. 
     Young Men, Young Women, and Primary children showed up with their advisors to participate.  When Gwen Daley was asked how she felt about participating she responded by saying that she loved how many people in the ward came out to participate and that she was so excited to see so many of her friend's faces in the crowd.  Erica Peters expressed that she hopes it becomes a yearly tradition. 
     The day was rainy and there was a fear of parade cancelation, but the rain stopped and it turned out to be a wonderful event. We hope that our participation in the parade was a success and that those we met felt our love for them and for our Savior through our interactions.

   Grand Marshals of the parade were Drs. Jasper and Param Gill, who were chosen because of their contributions to the greater Lodi area in the way of health care. Mokelumne River's thirteen-year-old Olivia Brown, who suffers from cancer, was the honorary Grand Marshal.  Her mother Katie Brown said this, "Tonight was great.  We got to be the number two car in the parade and ride in a convertible Carmaro.  It was a wonderful opportunity."  (Brown family in the picture.)



Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Nora Daley is Baptized

    Nora was baptized on Dec. 3, 2022  by her father Cory Daley.  Nora's mother writes: Nora’s baptism was an incredibly spiritual experience for our family—and I believe for everyone in attendance. It was simple and straightforward, but we were reminded of Christ’s ultimate sacrifice for us so that we could have the gift of repentance and be able to feel clean and at one with God, even when we make mistakes. Corey Brink, Nora’s grandpa, spoke about the sacrament table and how each week we are expected to bring an offering for Jesus. We are to bring him a broken heart and our past mistakes and a desire to change and be better. 

    The primary children sang The Covenant and brought such a sweet spirit to the meeting. It will be a day to remember! Thanks to Bishop Adam Sroufe and Ginny Shull, the Primary President, for conducting and supporting Nora in her journey on the covenant path!