Thursday, December 22, 2022

Ward Youth and Children Participate in Lodi Light Parade

    The Lodi Light Parade is an annual event organized by the Lodi Kiwanis Club.  It draws thousands of spectators from all over the region and attracts between 60 and 80 entrants.  This is the 27th parade, but the first time in several years that the Lodi Wards have participated.  This was a great opportunity  for community outreach as our ward members, young and old, participated in the parade by both walking next to and riding on the float. Their theme was "Light the World" and banners were prominently displayed on the float. 
     Young Men, Young Women, and Primary children showed up with their advisors to participate.  When Gwen Daley was asked how she felt about participating she responded by saying that she loved how many people in the ward came out to participate and that she was so excited to see so many of her friend's faces in the crowd.  Erica Peters expressed that she hopes it becomes a yearly tradition. 
     The day was rainy and there was a fear of parade cancelation, but the rain stopped and it turned out to be a wonderful event. We hope that our participation in the parade was a success and that those we met felt our love for them and for our Savior through our interactions.

   Grand Marshals of the parade were Drs. Jasper and Param Gill, who were chosen because of their contributions to the greater Lodi area in the way of health care. Mokelumne River's thirteen-year-old Olivia Brown, who suffers from cancer, was the honorary Grand Marshal.  Her mother Katie Brown said this, "Tonight was great.  We got to be the number two car in the parade and ride in a convertible Carmaro.  It was a wonderful opportunity."  (Brown family in the picture.)



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