Saturday, December 31, 2022

Service is a Continuing Circle

   Jackie came to Lodi in 2011 when she married Loren Perry.  Both of them had lost their mates.  She loved to take pictures as she explored her new world.  Jackie very quickly became one of the busiest sisters in the ward.  She was always taking food to a family in need, or being a friend to a sister who was having a difficult time.  She could drive someone to the doctor if necessary, or shop for groceries.  She is skilled in music and sang in the choir and could lead a chorus if necessary.
   Now, unfortunately, she is the one needing help.  She has been in weak health for several years, but in addition to that she recently fell and has been unable to walk for weeks.  It's Christmas season and her birthday was December 21.

   When Jackie Perry fell and broke her leg, she spent days in the hospital and two weeks in a care facility.  She didn't have many (if any) happy moments.  But that changed when she was allowed to come home. Her face in the picture above tells it all.  The Young Men in the ward came and sang Christmas carols to her. They were accompanied by a smiling Bishop Adam Sroufe (sitting next to her) and four adult male leaders (who aren't in the picture.)  Sister Jackie Perry said, "It was so touching. I felt that they were giving me a gift that they couldn't give in any other way."

      Help in the home was still needed.  Families in the ward brought food for the Perrys, came to visit, ran errands, and sent cards filled with love.  The five sisters in this picture were there on her birthday (more details below.)  They are from L to R: Ann Kerr, Ardell Gillingwater, Rita Caldwell, Jackie's sister Cindy Van Gergen, and Kitty Tippets, a long time friend and member who lives with the Perry's and helps out.

       Jackie turned 81 on December 21.  Not being able to have a normal celebration, the pictures above show a little of the joy she felt on this birthday. Jackie  loves music so she was given a set of ear pods (lying on her shirt) so she could listen to beautiful music anytime she wanted. Sister Kerr set her up with a musical app and showed her how to use the pods.  Going to A&W for a root beer float is a tradition that couldn't be missed, so the sisters rounded up some mugs and made it happen in her home.  Jackie received many birthday cards which she enjoyed reading.
   The reason we've giving more space in the ward history to a birthday, is so future readers can get a feeling for how Mokelumne River members look out for, and help, each other. They are truly serving in the Savior's way--and this goes on all year long.

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