Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Nora Daley is Baptized

    Nora was baptized on Dec. 3, 2022  by her father Cory Daley.  Nora's mother writes: Nora’s baptism was an incredibly spiritual experience for our family—and I believe for everyone in attendance. It was simple and straightforward, but we were reminded of Christ’s ultimate sacrifice for us so that we could have the gift of repentance and be able to feel clean and at one with God, even when we make mistakes. Corey Brink, Nora’s grandpa, spoke about the sacrament table and how each week we are expected to bring an offering for Jesus. We are to bring him a broken heart and our past mistakes and a desire to change and be better. 

    The primary children sang The Covenant and brought such a sweet spirit to the meeting. It will be a day to remember! Thanks to Bishop Adam Sroufe and Ginny Shull, the Primary President, for conducting and supporting Nora in her journey on the covenant path! 

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