Friday, May 26, 2023

Relief Society Sisters Learn to Play Pickleball

     The cultural hall now has two pickleball fields laid out, so the sisters took advantage of it and had a fun pickleball night! Those who knew how to play taught the newbies who wanted to learn but never had the opportunity to play. The pickleball pros did a great job of teaching rules and skills. Thanks pros for helping the sisters learn the game and have a great time. It really strengthened friendship and appreciation for others.  Appreciation goes both ways--for those who are sharing their knowledge and for those who are willing to try something new and learn.  In addition exercise, is important for healthy bodies.

     The sister missionaries joined the group and had a wonderful time.  One of them (Sister Gasser lower right) already knew how to play and was very helpful. The cute little girl (lower left) wanted to play too! She was darling to let us take her picture!

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Shull Family Welcomes New Baby Boy


   Lincoln Timothie Shull wasn't supposed to arrive until June, but he surprised his family by being born May 13, 2023.  It was the day before Mother's Day--a special gift for his mother Ginny.  He weighed 7lbs 2oz and was 19 inches long. Ginny says that he is loved by his four sisters and is sweet natured and the perfect caboose to their family.  We welcome him with great joy.  Congratulations Tim, Ginny, and girls.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Primary Children Enjoy Dinner, Games, and Learning About Christ

    Mokelumne River Ward Primary held an all primary activity.  The children were invited to come and play games, have dinner, enjoy one another's company, and remember stories from the New Testament.  There were scriptures that went with every game.  One example is "Pin the baby Jesus in the Manger."  The scripture was chosen from Luke, chapter 2 to remind the children that Christ was born and laid in a manger.  After the games were played, the children had fun with glow sticks, and the lights were turned down to have a dance party.  Our goal was to have each child that attended feel love from the leaders, happiness comes from being in primary, and that the scriptures are full of adventure and stories of our Savior.


Sunday, May 21, 2023

An Amazing Young Woman Is Graduating From High School

    Lily Mogler (on the left) has been wrestling for many years and has been successful. At the senior awards night at Tokay High School she was awarded the "Female Athlete of the Year" award. She is the daughter of Chene and Andrea Mogler.  Her mother said, "Girls wrestling has been our second home between all three of the girls over the past 9-10 years."

    But wrestling isn't everything for Lily. She is a talented musician which started in the 5th grade on the violin and then she switched to double bass in 7th grade.  In the farewell concert at Tokay High she not only played, but arranged and directed the orchestra for one of the numbers: "Fantastic Beasts." During her senior year she was chosen to play in a program at Carnegie Hall in New York City.  To her, music is magical and she and her family are grateful for the teachers who have taught and inspired her love for music.

     But wait!  With all this going on, how did she get recognition for her very high GPA?  She was awarded three scholarships and was accepted to BYU Idaho.  Congratulations Lily!


Tuesday, May 2, 2023

A Delightful New Missionary


       Sister Gasser (right) has a new companion, Sister Cyr on the left.  They are both amazing missionaries.  Sister Cyr hails from Bury, Connecticut and this is her first assignment on her mission. You would never know it.  She acts like she is an experienced missionary.  She prayed to Heavenly Father about going on a mission, and when she got her Patriarchal Blessing she was told she would be a missionary. She is 19 years old, graduated from high school a year ago, and his been working since then to prepare for her mission.  Her mother was raised in the church.  Her father is a convert. She has two brothers.

   Sister Cyr is skilled in ceramic sculpturing. She learned from her grandmother who had a ceramic store and that's where she developed her skill. She learned about art at school and that helped her to create beautiful ceramics.  Welcome Sister Cyr!