Tuesday, May 2, 2023

A Delightful New Missionary


       Sister Gasser (right) has a new companion, Sister Cyr on the left.  They are both amazing missionaries.  Sister Cyr hails from Bury, Connecticut and this is her first assignment on her mission. You would never know it.  She acts like she is an experienced missionary.  She prayed to Heavenly Father about going on a mission, and when she got her Patriarchal Blessing she was told she would be a missionary. She is 19 years old, graduated from high school a year ago, and his been working since then to prepare for her mission.  Her mother was raised in the church.  Her father is a convert. She has two brothers.

   Sister Cyr is skilled in ceramic sculpturing. She learned from her grandmother who had a ceramic store and that's where she developed her skill. She learned about art at school and that helped her to create beautiful ceramics.  Welcome Sister Cyr!

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