Friday, May 26, 2023

Relief Society Sisters Learn to Play Pickleball

     The cultural hall now has two pickleball fields laid out, so the sisters took advantage of it and had a fun pickleball night! Those who knew how to play taught the newbies who wanted to learn but never had the opportunity to play. The pickleball pros did a great job of teaching rules and skills. Thanks pros for helping the sisters learn the game and have a great time. It really strengthened friendship and appreciation for others.  Appreciation goes both ways--for those who are sharing their knowledge and for those who are willing to try something new and learn.  In addition exercise, is important for healthy bodies.

     The sister missionaries joined the group and had a wonderful time.  One of them (Sister Gasser lower right) already knew how to play and was very helpful. The cute little girl (lower left) wanted to play too! She was darling to let us take her picture!

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