Sunday, May 21, 2023

An Amazing Young Woman Is Graduating From High School

    Lily Mogler (on the left) has been wrestling for many years and has been successful. At the senior awards night at Tokay High School she was awarded the "Female Athlete of the Year" award. She is the daughter of Chene and Andrea Mogler.  Her mother said, "Girls wrestling has been our second home between all three of the girls over the past 9-10 years."

    But wrestling isn't everything for Lily. She is a talented musician which started in the 5th grade on the violin and then she switched to double bass in 7th grade.  In the farewell concert at Tokay High she not only played, but arranged and directed the orchestra for one of the numbers: "Fantastic Beasts." During her senior year she was chosen to play in a program at Carnegie Hall in New York City.  To her, music is magical and she and her family are grateful for the teachers who have taught and inspired her love for music.

     But wait!  With all this going on, how did she get recognition for her very high GPA?  She was awarded three scholarships and was accepted to BYU Idaho.  Congratulations Lily!


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