Sunday, October 29, 2017

Fall Festival a Smash Hit!

    The Mokelumne River Ward Fall Festival was a smash hit in every way.  As the cultural hall filled, all kinds of amazing costumed characters enjoyed a dinner of homemade chili, cornbread, and hotdogs. Food was under the direction of the Relief Society, Elders' Quorum, and Bishopric. Tables and centerpieces carried out the festival theme.
   Recent convert Juan Felix was busy taking pictures and video the entire evening and his photography was “funny and joyful,” as he put it. After the event he commented that it looked like the parents were having as much fun as the kids! To quote his mom:  “Juan, one day you will know that the body ages, but the spirit remains very young.”  There were definitely lots of young spirits in attendance at this joyful event.
   After dinner, the party goers headed to the pavilion for fun games each hosted by a Young Men's or Young Women's class.  A big attraction was set up by Sherrill and Ken Adamska and involved trying to eat donuts dangling from the ends of ribbons.  (See video on this post.)
   The “Trunk or Treat” cars were a big hit as the children collected candy while visiting each decorated car trunk in the parking lot.
    Kudos to Don Daley for coordinating the event with excitement and enthusiasm. The comment was often heard, “This is the best fall/Halloween party I’ve ever attended.”   
Here are a few pictures from the fun evening. Click on the collage to view it in a larger size. Clicking the big X in the upper right will allow you to come back to the blog.

This short video will give you a feel for the event, and especially the fun games on the pavilion. After starting the video be sure and click the icon on the bottom right to view the video full screen.  Esc. will take you back to the blog.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Charlene Evans: Lodi's Top Indexer

   Charlene Evans has been researching ancestors for many years, but just began indexing four years ago when the church provided a program to do it.  She has indexed 102,020 names on that program.  She says, “Indexing is a vital step in finding and connecting to ancestors. It gives you valid information and sources.”
Several months ago a new indexing program was introduced on FamilySearch and so far Charlene has indexed an additional 845 names on that program. In her patriarchal blessing it says that she was put here on earth for a specific purpose to search out family and do work for them in the temple.  She has been researching since she was a little girl.  Once she copied information about her great-grandmother from a family bible by hand because her aunt and uncle wouldn’t let her take it from their house.
    Charlene is a member of the Mokelumne River Ward and recently participated in a church-wide weekend indexing event.  She says she will continue to do it as long as her health permits. Charlene isn’t always able to attend meetings because of a weak immune system. She is the mother of Paulette McGhie.

Monday, October 23, 2017

PHOTO ESSAY: Root Beer Floats & Family History Tutoring

There was lots of help, encouragement, and tutorials at a successful event October 20 sponsored by the Mokelumne River Ward High Priests and the stake family history staff. Following are some pictures from the evening. 
The event planners: Standing are Cathy and Travis Leonard with Earl and Betty McOmber, directors of the Lodi Family History Center.
Brother McOmber started off the evening with a lesson on “Relative Finder,” a feature of Family Search that can show your relationship to anyone else in the group. Next Cathy and Travis served up delicious root beer floats.
Then the work began.  There was help available for anyone, any question was  answered.  It was an amazing evening.
Can Sister Cindy Franks teach Cliff Kerr how to index in French?  She advises: “Start simple. The more you do, the better you get with it.”
Ardell Gillingwater, left, and Glenn Franks, right, look on as expert Kathy Marshall helps Liz Sprowls learn how to locate information about her Quaker ancestors through FamilySearch Wiki.
Sister Edith Johnson (visiting) enjoys an evening with her son Garth who was recently called to serve on the High Council. Garth and his wife Janel are both indexers. 

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Realigning the Three Lodi Wards

    Stake President Joseph Anderson called the three Lodi wards together for a meeting at the stake center on August 20, 2017. The ward boundaries in Lodi were to be adjusted to better meet the current needs of the wards.  The three wards are now two wards.  One will be the South side of Lodi and will be called Vineyard Ward. It includes all of the former Lodi First Ward and a few members from Lodi Second Ward. Their bishop is Scott Means.
   Eric Holden is the new bishop of Mokelumne River Ward, formed from Lodi Third Ward and a large portion of Lodi Second Ward.  His counselors are Tyler Burton and Don Daley. Both wards will meet in the Stake Center at 1510 W. Century Blvd. Our ward will begin the block at 1 p.m. each Sunday.  The Spanish Branch will continue to meet in the chapel at 731 N. Ham Lane.

Introducing Our New Bishopric

First Counselor Tyler Burton, Bishop Eric Holden, Second Counselor Don Daley.

This is the entire bishopric L to R: Tyler Burton, Nolan Meyers,
Bishop Eric Holden, David Cundari and Don Daley.

The bishopric enjoys a humorous moment together.
Cliff Kerr has Ann's back (literally) during the bishopric
photo shoot.  We had fun.  Hope you like the pictures.

Meet the Missionaries

   We have not just two, but FOUR missionaries serving in Mokelumne River Ward.  Sister Hansen hails from Brigham City, Utah and came on her mission because she loves her Savior.  “I know that he lives and paid the price for each of God’s children to return home,” she said.  “It is my greatest desire to bring and guide others to Him and receive the joy I have felt from knowing the truths of the Gospel.   
   Elder Ashcraft comes from a family of five and was raised in Rexburg, Idaho.  He has had experience serving in Tracy, Turlock, and Sonora, as well as Lodi.  His most fulfilling experience so far was “seeing one of the Lord’s investigators go through trials, but come to know the Savior in the process.”
   Elder Smith served in the Modesto 2nd Ward before coming to Lodi.  He comes from a family of six in Hooper, Utah. He recently enjoyed the experience of being baptized by proxy for some recent converts’ ancestors.
   Sister Gunter is from Pocatello, Idaho and loves “talking with everyone and seeing them as Heavenly Father sees them.”  She wants people to know the same joy that she has.
How can we help the missionaries?
This is their advice to us: Make friends with everyone--at the store, on the street, the neighbor next door.  Love them and lead them by sharing the truths you hold most dear. Refer friends to missionaries and come to lessons with them.  Be EXCITED about missionary work!

Missionaries visit the Lodi Family History Center each Monday to read and write letters to family and friends.

L to R:  Sister Hansen, Sister Gunter, Elder Smith, Elder Ashcraft

Joy in Four Recent Baptisms

Melissa and JD Ramirez (by Katie Brown)

   Don Daley, 2nd counselor in the bishopric baptized both Melissa and JD Ramirez who were really excited and happy to join the Savior’s church.  We hadn't really mentioned anything to them about getting baptized because of them being in foster care, and the religious restrictions that are put on foster families.  After the summer of Melissa attending Youth Conference in Stockton, and Girls Camp, and JD attending Boy Scout Camp, they both came home wanting to get baptized.  We were so happy for them.  We set up the missionary discussions with Elders Nielson and DeGraffenried (now in Galt) and the kids set the date and set up the entire program.  They have been reading their scriptures every day and love having the spirit with them.  Melissa attends seminary every weekday, and JD just received the Aaronic Priesthood today (Oct. 15, 2017.)

Juan Seijo Felix

Juan Seijo Felix was baptized September 23 by Brother Kristopher Powell, second counselor in the Elders Quorum presidency. When asked why he joined the church, Juan replied, “Because God willed it.” Also shown in these pictures are his missionaries, Elder Ashcraft and Elder Smith.  We welcome Juan to the Mokelumne River Ward.

Kali Schiess

On Friday, September 22, 8-year-old Kali was baptized by her father Troy Schiess as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She was welcomed into the ward as a full fledged member the following Sunday.

Five Young Men Attend LDS Camporee

Caden and Evan Webb pose with Tim Shull during break in trail clearing.
    Five of the Young Men in our ward participated in a multi-stake Camporee Oct. 13-14 held at Zions Camp.  The boys were William Stewart, Tyler Daley, Caden Webb, Evan Web, and JD Ramirez, accompanied by YM leader Tim Shull and Tyler Burton of the bishopric.  Neil Anderson coordinated the entire camporee.
   A huge service project involved clearing a trail that would ultimately be the path, with stops, for a “Plan of Salvation” activity for future Young Men who visit the camp. The job was hindered by water and mud left from last winter’s rainy season.  
    “I had a really great time,” said Evan Webb. “I felt the spirit and it helped us gain a better acceptance for service.  Clearing the trail helped us understand the Gospel.”  Evan is planning to go on a mission and will be well prepared for missionary service to come. 
   Scouting activities accounted for much of the remaining time.  The boys could do such things as rock climbing, gun shooting, archery, throwing knives, and canoeing. There wasn’t a normal lake there, but a large four-foot-deep pond also left from the winter rain and floods.
   President Cory Brink, second counselor in the stake presidency, gave an impactive talk/presentation on how leadership and Christlike love can be shown through service and brotherhood. He told of a boy in Utah who had a spinal disease and was deformed.  He participated in quorum activities by being strapped in an office chair while the boys in his quorum helped him though any event.  President Brink advised the boys to be aware of people in their quorum.  “Look for a way to be of service,” he said.

Mokelumne Ward's First "Linger Longer"

Mokelumne River Ward held its first “Linger Longer” event after the meeting block Sunday, October 15.  Everyone was asked to bring finger foods that could be shared.  The purpose was to have a chance to socialize and get to know one another better.   It was a huge success.
A crowd of hungry members found lots of good food at Linger Longer

Question: Who enjoyed Linger Longer the most? 
Answer: Babies, young children, teenagers, parents, and senior citizens.  Well, that’s everyone!  

Community Connections

Dave Gillingwater  (Picture by Chris Miller)
We know that many of our ward members have interesting connections from time to time in their communities, whether it be service, or working in specialized areas of expertise.  These involvements will be on an ongoing feature in the Mokelumne River Blog, so give us a tip if you, or someone you know, has an experience outside of the LDS realm.
   Dave Gillingwater spoke on emergency preparedness for animals at a meeting of the SJ County Emergency Preparedness Committee October 4.   After giving a report of the recent Lodi Stake Preparedness Fair he explained how to make an evacuation kit for any animal, but a dog in particular.  It would include food, water, garbage bags, muzzle, leash, and ID tag.  A tip was to include a towel or rug with which the dog is familiar, so he will not be afraid.
   A special highlight of the meeting was when Kathleen Conley, Program Coordinator for Emergency Preparedness in SJ County, complimented the LDS Church on always being so well prepared.  She suggested that members of her committee give donations for humanitarian aid to the LDS Church because all of the money goes to help those who need it, and there are no overhead expenses.  

Precious Little Boy Born to Holden Family

Luke Wyatt joined his brother Carson August 25, 2017, weighing 6 obs. 6 oz. His parents are Colby and Rebecca Holden. He was blessed by his father October 15, 2017
The extended Holden family.  Luke's grandfather is our Bishop Eric Holden.