Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Community Connections

Dave Gillingwater  (Picture by Chris Miller)
We know that many of our ward members have interesting connections from time to time in their communities, whether it be service, or working in specialized areas of expertise.  These involvements will be on an ongoing feature in the Mokelumne River Blog, so give us a tip if you, or someone you know, has an experience outside of the LDS realm.
   Dave Gillingwater spoke on emergency preparedness for animals at a meeting of the SJ County Emergency Preparedness Committee October 4.   After giving a report of the recent Lodi Stake Preparedness Fair he explained how to make an evacuation kit for any animal, but a dog in particular.  It would include food, water, garbage bags, muzzle, leash, and ID tag.  A tip was to include a towel or rug with which the dog is familiar, so he will not be afraid.
   A special highlight of the meeting was when Kathleen Conley, Program Coordinator for Emergency Preparedness in SJ County, complimented the LDS Church on always being so well prepared.  She suggested that members of her committee give donations for humanitarian aid to the LDS Church because all of the money goes to help those who need it, and there are no overhead expenses.  

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