Monday, October 23, 2017

PHOTO ESSAY: Root Beer Floats & Family History Tutoring

There was lots of help, encouragement, and tutorials at a successful event October 20 sponsored by the Mokelumne River Ward High Priests and the stake family history staff. Following are some pictures from the evening. 
The event planners: Standing are Cathy and Travis Leonard with Earl and Betty McOmber, directors of the Lodi Family History Center.
Brother McOmber started off the evening with a lesson on “Relative Finder,” a feature of Family Search that can show your relationship to anyone else in the group. Next Cathy and Travis served up delicious root beer floats.
Then the work began.  There was help available for anyone, any question was  answered.  It was an amazing evening.
Can Sister Cindy Franks teach Cliff Kerr how to index in French?  She advises: “Start simple. The more you do, the better you get with it.”
Ardell Gillingwater, left, and Glenn Franks, right, look on as expert Kathy Marshall helps Liz Sprowls learn how to locate information about her Quaker ancestors through FamilySearch Wiki.
Sister Edith Johnson (visiting) enjoys an evening with her son Garth who was recently called to serve on the High Council. Garth and his wife Janel are both indexers. 

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