Saturday, October 28, 2017

Charlene Evans: Lodi's Top Indexer

   Charlene Evans has been researching ancestors for many years, but just began indexing four years ago when the church provided a program to do it.  She has indexed 102,020 names on that program.  She says, “Indexing is a vital step in finding and connecting to ancestors. It gives you valid information and sources.”
Several months ago a new indexing program was introduced on FamilySearch and so far Charlene has indexed an additional 845 names on that program. In her patriarchal blessing it says that she was put here on earth for a specific purpose to search out family and do work for them in the temple.  She has been researching since she was a little girl.  Once she copied information about her great-grandmother from a family bible by hand because her aunt and uncle wouldn’t let her take it from their house.
    Charlene is a member of the Mokelumne River Ward and recently participated in a church-wide weekend indexing event.  She says she will continue to do it as long as her health permits. Charlene isn’t always able to attend meetings because of a weak immune system. She is the mother of Paulette McGhie.

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