Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Joy in Four Recent Baptisms

Melissa and JD Ramirez (by Katie Brown)

   Don Daley, 2nd counselor in the bishopric baptized both Melissa and JD Ramirez who were really excited and happy to join the Savior’s church.  We hadn't really mentioned anything to them about getting baptized because of them being in foster care, and the religious restrictions that are put on foster families.  After the summer of Melissa attending Youth Conference in Stockton, and Girls Camp, and JD attending Boy Scout Camp, they both came home wanting to get baptized.  We were so happy for them.  We set up the missionary discussions with Elders Nielson and DeGraffenried (now in Galt) and the kids set the date and set up the entire program.  They have been reading their scriptures every day and love having the spirit with them.  Melissa attends seminary every weekday, and JD just received the Aaronic Priesthood today (Oct. 15, 2017.)

Juan Seijo Felix

Juan Seijo Felix was baptized September 23 by Brother Kristopher Powell, second counselor in the Elders Quorum presidency. When asked why he joined the church, Juan replied, “Because God willed it.” Also shown in these pictures are his missionaries, Elder Ashcraft and Elder Smith.  We welcome Juan to the Mokelumne River Ward.

Kali Schiess

On Friday, September 22, 8-year-old Kali was baptized by her father Troy Schiess as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She was welcomed into the ward as a full fledged member the following Sunday.

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