Friday, December 22, 2017

Aubrey Orchestrates a Big Project

     Aubrey Anderson is in the 6th grade and just turned 12, but already she has organized and completed a major community service project. As part of a school assignment she decided to raise $200 to buy art supplies for Lodi House, a non-profit agency that was established to provide shelter for homeless women and children.
    After succeeding in collecting the money, Aubrey purchased enough supplies for two major art kits: such things as colored markers, pencils, paper, erasers, paper plates, coloring books, etc. The goal was to provide children in the shelter something creative and interesting to do instead of just spending hours watching T.V.
   The project was a success and there was even money left over which Aubrey donated to Lodi House to use in any way they saw fit.  Good job Aubrey!
Aubrey had fun shopping for all the art supplies.

The children had fun painting dough ornaments that Aubrey had made for them.

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