Friday, December 15, 2017

Relief Society Christmas Social

    The Mokelumne River Ward Relief Society started off the Christmas season early with a delightful gathering at Vickie Kidd's beautiful home.  It was an important get-together because we're still a new ward and aren't yet acquainted with everyone.  Below are a few pictures to give you an idea of the wonderful time sisters had--talking, eating delicious food, and having a good time.
These are just a few of the many sisters who attended the social.
The "dessert room" was filled with a large variety of goodies.  Other rooms in the home served as a place for quiet conversations, or joyful reunions.
Service abounded, even at this grand party. Left: Chantal Judd helps Kathy Angel eat.  Kathy suffered a stroke five years ago and has limited movement and speech ability. She really enjoyed seeing friends that she hadn't seen for a long time.
Above Right: Little mangers were given to each sister as she left that evening.  They were made by Laurie and Rocky Shore and included a sweet story about a three-year-old boy who placed a tissue over the baby Jesus in his family's nativity set because he didn't want the Christ Child to be cold.  Below Right:  Jackie Perry used a walker to get around, but enjoyed sitting in a chair and talking to sisters who came to greet her.  

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