Friday, December 22, 2017

Toys Collected for Children with Cancer

    Jim and Korina Self lost their daughter Ayiana Margaret Rose to Leukemia when she was just eight-years-old. During this trying time at Sutter Memorial Hospital and UC Davis, donated toys brought some joy and love to Ayiana and all the other children who were suffering from cancer.  “It takes them away from what they’re dealing with,” Korina says.
    The next year, Jim and Korina decided to give back.  They organized a toy collection at Christmas and it was a huge success. The toys have to be new. Last year it took a truck to get all the toys to the hospitals.  This year was the eighth toy drive and they collected over 1400 toys.  The toys are given throughout the year, not just at Christmas time, to children fighting cancer.
Loading up the truck for a trip to Sacramento hospitals with the Christmas toy collection.  Korina Self is second from the right on the top row.

Some of the toys collected at the Lodi Stake Center.

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