Friday, December 15, 2017

Ward Christmas Breakfast? It Rocked!!

The ward High Priests were in charge of food, and they know how it's done.  Travis Leonard and Mark Stoltenberg help Bruce Jonson fry potatoes to go in egg burritos.  Brother Jonson lives in Vineyard Ward and is in charge of the grills.  He not only helped clean them and get them ready to use early Saturday morning, but he stayed and helped throughout the event.
Cliff Kerr knows how to cook pancakes to perfection.
Cathy Leonard has a big job keeping the pancake batter coming.
Returned missionary Colin Anderson (right) helps serve breakfast.  Besides pancakes (with special toppings) and burritos, there were sausages, milk, orange juice and a variety of hot chocolate drinks topped with marshmallows.
Even Santa came to join the fun.

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