Sunday, May 19, 2019

Emilia Carlston is Baptized a Member of the Church

     Emilia Mae Carlston, daughter of Liz and Ben Carlston was baptized and confirmed May 18, 2019 by her dad, Benjamin Carlston. When asked about her special day, Emilia said “I felt good and happy.”
     When she came out of the water, she wore a dress fashioned from her mom’s wedding dress.

     Her baby brother Bennett was blessed the same day and also wore an outfit made from mom’s wedding dress. He was wrapped in a special quilt made by his grandmother that showcases scraps of special family pieces including his dad’s shirt, his grandma’s first temple dress and handkerchiefs from his great grandmothers. His socks were purchased in Italy (where his dad served a mission) and his shoes were made by mom. It was a lovely occasion with family and friends!

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