Friday, May 17, 2019

Family History in Action

    Tacos and Family History seem to go hand in hand. Sixty-five + people (young and old alike) came to enjoy food and learn more about how to research their family history.  Many of those attending had not been to a previous event, so all were open to learning.  Many were able to find family names and learn about "Ordinance Ready" in the family history site.
     The beginners were excited about one of the new links on FamilySearch called "Pioneer Ancestors." You can put in your name and find a page that is divided into sub-topics such as Pioneers, Missionaries, etc. You can find a name, then discover where he/she came from, how many days they were on a trek, and other information about them.  Cathy Leonard of the Family History staff said, "It makes it so real that you want to know all about them.  The spirit of Elijah was certainly there."
  Cathy also gave instructions, for those who weren't there, or need a review.
     In the upper right corner of FamilySearch opening page, click on "Help." There is a drop down. Click on "Helper Resources." The next window shows a box where you will either see your own name or click "Added or Accepted."  You can click on your own name and it takes you to another window with panes to click on.  If you click on "Pioneer Ancestors" it will lead you to a a wealth of information on your ancestors.
   Travis Leonard was thrilled to be able to assist Ann Grether and get her more up to speed on using FamilySearch.  They had some great success.  (Ann must be saying "Oh, my goodness!!!" after Travis helped her find some family records!)
   Meantime Cathy Leonard also shared instructions with Andrea Mogler.  She had found her grandfather's file on FamilySearch, but didn't know how to add it to her own pedigree chart. " After getting it attached," Cathy said, "we found there was a duplicate record for him.  An Aunt had built another file for him, so it had a different ID number.  I proceeded to teach her how to merge the two records, so that opened up the opportunity for her to reserve his temple work and print cards for the temple."
   It was a successful evening.

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