Friday, May 17, 2019

Emergency Preparedness Plans

   Dave Gillingwater, who is an expert on the subject of preparedness, taught the Relief Society sisters all about it.  He explained what you should have in the car, or in your personal backpack, what you should have for infants and toddlers, seniors or disabled, or pets.
   We often think about food, but what non-food do we need?  Think in terms of tools, cooking, bedding, clothing, safety items, sanitation and hygiene.
   Dave also gave suggestions for a 72-hour emergency kit, keeping in mind the possibility that you may have to carry what you take.  Roads may not be open to use a car.  The most critical elements to consider are: body warmth, water and food.
   Dave had plenty of handouts and also went through some of his packs to demonstrate items that we may not have thought of.  A sewing kit may come in handy, or a little gadget lower left that is a radio, flashlight and can charge a phone. It can be powered by solar, battery, or hand generator. After the presentation Lisa Clegg, RS Monthly Meeting Coordinator, (lower right) demonstrated useful items that can be purchased from the church storehouse.  Samples were available to taste.

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