Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Memorial Day Photo Essay

    The three Lodi congregations (Mokelumne River Ward, Vineyard Ward, and Spanish Branch) joined together on Memorial Day for a pancake breakfast and bike ride.

The Elders Quorum of Mokelumne River ward, under the direction of President Don Daley prepared the delicious food.

Kids and adults alike ventured over to the face painting table for a cute design.

Before the breakfast began, Tim Leach from the Vineyard gave a personal and dynamic account of what Memorial Day means to him.  It involved the death of one of his leaders while he was serving in the military. This man left behind a wife, several children and the troop he led.  He helped us feel grateful for the service of those who protect our freedom.

It is nice, and we are blessed, to have a pavilion  where an event of this kind can be held.  The food was ready and kept on coming as people collected their choice of breakfast essentials.

Missionaries from both wards joined in the celebration.  The Elders from Vintage Ward brought an investigator to join in the fellowship of the day.  Mokelumne River Ward has a new Sister missionary from England.  Her name is Sister Graham and she is anxious to meet all of us.

The bike ride is about to begin, but first a traffic officer is present to instruct on safety issues while riding bikes on the street.  He did an excellent job.

Don Daley, Elders Quorum President not only spent most of the morning serving food, but was first in line to lead the bicycle riders on their adventure.

And here they go!! Many children decorated their bikes for the occasion, and parents and grandparents accompanied some of them.  It was a great time.

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