Sunday, January 31, 2021

The Inside Story of Sacrament Meeting During a Pandemic

  COVID-19 began to spread so much, the government asked churches not to have their services together as a congregation. 

   We started out with doing a video of the meeting through YouTube.  Bishop Holden asked Ben Carlston if he would be willing and felt that he was able to pull this off.  Ben met with Matt Goodman from the Vineyard Ward and learned how to use the proper software to make that happen.

    When the virus seemed to be slowing down, we did meet once outside, taking all the precautions of temperature readings, wearing masks and social distancing. But the virus continued to spread.

   Then came Zoom.  Fortunately, Ben had worked with it in his occupation and was familiar with how to do it.  Bishop Holden took the picture below which shows Ben doing his work from way back in the chapel.  Bishop Holden made the stand himself. The camera is placed on a tripod in the left of the picture.  

    It must be interesting giving a talk to just Ben and a few other participants in the almost empty room. A member of the bishopric sterilizes the stand and microphone before each speaker.  A special thanks to all those who have been asked to give talks as well as those who will give them in the future.

   The stake presidency just announced that we will have more virtual classes from now on. (See previous  blog entry.)


Making a Rainy Day Bright for a 98-year-old

   Betty Kirschenmann turned 98 this month and was SO surprised when ward sisters showed up at her home for a birthday party.  She is partially blind and sits in a wheel chair. All she could say was "Oh, my gosh!" over and over.  In the picture above is (L to R) Saane Boyer, Betty, Mary Ellen Myer, and Carol Medlin.

Ardell Gillingwater (in right picture with hand up) is the Relief Society Service Coordinator and was instrumental in planning this event.  On the left are other guests (L to R) Rita Caldwell, Lisa Clegg with her niece, and Tammy Woods.  Sisters' love for one another is shinning bright in Mokelumne River Ward, even on a very wet day.

Thursday, January 28, 2021

How to Meet New Move-ins During Pandemic

   We've had lots of new families move into the ward during the last year, but how can we meet them or even know who they are when COVID-19 has prevented us from getting together? Christy Mecham solved the problem.  She made a beautiful PowerPoint presentation to introduce us and tell us something about their  lives.  These are just seven of the nineteen new members.  We will be adding more in the future.

As well as the new families, Christy thoughtfully included eleven "old timers" with pictures and a special message from each of them to us and the newcomers.  The presentation also included pictures of Christ and three heart-warming videos from the General Relief Society of the church.

Another way the bishopric is helping us get to know new people is having them speak in Sacrament Meeting.  The first ones to do this were Madison and Todd Hess (above.)  It was a great way to meet them and look forward to when we can greet them in person at Church.


Saturday, January 23, 2021

COVID-19 Prompted a New Way of Participating in Sunday School

    Several general authorities have suggested that the new things we've had to do because of the  COVID-19 pandemic may turn out to be better than what we did before and maybe we would even continue to use these things after the virus is no longer with us. Adult Sunday School teacher Vicki Anderson laid out a beautiful lesson from the Doctrine and Covenants emphasizing "The Hearts of the Children Shall Turn to Their Fathers."  We won't put all her beautiful pictures and text here, but the best thing about the lesson is how she asked several people to answer this question:

The answers were amazing and so meaningful to read.  Just asking the question in class wouldn't have given people time to contemplate it. Those listening may not remember, and may not even have heard them due to hearing problems and typical classroom distractions.  Following are the reactions to the important question Sis. Anderson asked.

A quote from President Dallin H.P Oaks reminded us that EACH of us can do SOMETHING!

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Lyla Burke has first baptism of the new year!

    The COVID-19 pandemic is still going on in 2021, so we have to adapt to not being able to use the church building for these occasions. Baptisms must be held outdoors.  Ward members Brad and Cyndie Parker offered the hot tub in their swimming pool.  Lyla was baptized January 9, 2021 by her father Winston who said it was a cold day, but the hot tub came in handy for the event.  A small gathering of a few family members and close friends bundled up to attend Lyla's baptism. Below Lyla poses with her parents Kaela and Winston Burke before her baptism. The picture on the lower right shows what it's like to come out of warm water on a cold day.  Someday Lyla will be able to tell her children about her unusual baptism.  Her parents said they were "So excited for this great step in Lyla's life."