Sunday, April 11, 2021

Research by Janet Cook Shows Importance of Families

    Sister Janet Cook has been working hard the last several years on a degree from BYU Idaho.  She's almost finished.  The degree is in Interdisciplinary Studies with a focus on Family History. This degree includes a lot of Research Methodology, writing argument proof reports and other types of research and reports.  She wants to become a Certified Genealogist!

   A major report she just finished compared three different women through several periods of time.  She interviewed each one several times and recorded the various events of their lives.  Each one had different things to confront and solve, but Janet saw a common theme among the three.  It was family.  Here is the conclusion she reached to end the report:

    Three women at different times in the world showed us that every person is unique. Three women knew what they wanted and despite turn of events in their lives and a change in their social roles, continued on their path. Some historians perceive that the American family's future is a territory without clear guidance. Like it or not, today we are all pioneers, picking our way through unchartered territory. The old rules are no longer reliable guides to work out modern gender roles and build a secure foundation for marriage. Wherever it is that people want to end up in their family relations today, even if they are totally committed to creating a so-called traditional marriage, they have to get there by a different route from the past. Three women, three eras, and three families paving their way for future generations.

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