Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Three Friends Baptized on Same Day

     Andrew Boyer and Nathan Merrill of Mokelumne River Ward, along with Grant King of Vineyard Ward were baptized April 10 and confirmed April 11. All of them were born the month of March 2012 and have been buddies their entire lives.  

     They had first planned to be baptized in March of 2020 but had to postpone due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  So they have been waiting and waiting and were very happy to finally be baptized together.

     This was the first baptism to be held in the font inside the stake center since the pandemic began over a year ago. Baptisms to this point were usually held in a member's swimming pool or spa.  Due to a larger amount of people attending a baptism for boys from three different families, the program was held in the chapel with masks and social distancing in place. Then each boy and his family were taken to the font.  On the program a special song was sung by five young girls, all sisters of the boys.  Jenny Haynes gave a talk on baptism, and Cindi Brink spoke on the Holy Ghost.  After the service and baptisms, the three families and friends gathered on the outside plaza for sandwiches and desserts.

From left: Adopted grandfather Dave Gillingwater baptized Grant King;  Andrew Boyer was baptized by his brother James Boyer; Nathan Merrill was baptized by his step-grandfather Glenn Weeks.

    Since all the boys were nine years old they were considered "convert baptisms."  They had the privilege of being taught five missionary lessons by the Elders from Vineyard Ward and the Sisters from Mokelumne Ward. Sister Caldon and Hermana Flores were also witnesses for the baptism of Nathan Merrill.

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