Friday, April 16, 2021

What's Your Favorite Quote?

     This is the first Relief Society activity in over a  year that actually took place "in person" instead of watching something on Zoom. The meeting was held on the outdoor pavilion and sisters enjoyed a nice spring breeze as favorite quotes were shared and explained.  Four sisters shared their quote with the entire group, then everyone else shared theirs with those sitting at their table , all the while eating the delicious cream pies that awaited them.

    The sister in the upper left picture is Cyndi Parker who told about the Parker quote, "The Parkers can do anything."  She didn't think she could do it, but just a few weeks after having her first baby, she bicycled across the Golden Gate Bridge with the extended family.  In the upper right picture Judy Wilcox shows a quote she embroidered in Primary.  It says "Greet the day with a song, make others happy, and serve gladly."  She has tried to do this throughout her life.

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