Friday, April 2, 2021

SISTERS OF FAITH -- Featuring Shaunee Cook

   Tammy Woods of the Relief Society presidency came up with the idea of featuring one sister a month to share her faith related experiences. Shaunee Cook was chosen to be the first, following an excellent talk she gave in Sacrament meeting.  Here are some clips from her talk.

   At the age of 15 I stopped going to church and became inactive.  I remember my mother fighting so hard for me to get up every Sunday and go back to church, but every day I would refuse, and after a very long time she finally gave up.  In those two years my soul became empty, my heart became motionless, my passions ceased and doubt became rampant.  I  started to question myself and everything. Then one day I started to, for first time, read the Book of Mormon with my heart and soul, and not just my head.  After some time, and deep readings that had touched my soul, I prayed to the Lord and asked it it were true.  I received a strong feeling that it was.  Then I began my tearful conversation with the Lord.  This would mean pouring out my heart with every doubt, fear, and question, hoping that he would suddenly appear in front of me, telling me all of what my heart desired as he did to prophets in the past.  I asked, sitting on my bedroom floor, "Why do I need to go to church?  I am not needed there and no one would care if I was there or not."  There was a small pause.  He did not appear before me, like I had wanted, but he did give me an answer.  I heard the most gentile voce coming in my head and heart.  He said, "It is true. No one may need you there or care if you go, but I NEED YOU THERE."

     Shaunee's words to those who have wondered:  You are never lost.  If you have family or friends who have decided to not be connected as affiliated with the church, or have just fallen away--the Lord is forever with them.  He is always there and will continue to be there, guiding and cheering us on.  We just need a moment to hear him.

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