Sunday, December 19, 2021

A Glorious Christmas Sunday Meeting

    The Sunday before Christmas (12//19/2021) the ward was blessed with a beautiful Sacrament Meeting consisting (after the sacrament) of short narrations and a variety of music conceived by Jackie Perry who is the ward music chairperson. The program cover was illustrated with a lovely painting of the birth of Jesus.

    The Congregation sang several hymns separated by individual and group presentations. The youth in the ward performed "Away in a Manger" accompanied by Gillian Versteeg on the violin and Teresa Sroufe on the piano. It Came Upon a Midnight Clear was beautifully performed by Riley Broughton and his daughters, followed by the ward Primary singing "Could I Hold the Baby."

   The final number was a dramatic solo "O Holy Night" performed by Bernie Moreau and accompanied by Ruth Anderson. Bernie has a voice that rings through the rafters.  The song was longer than it usually is, but we hoped it could go on forever.  It was a little hard to understand the words on the last part, but Cliff Kerr (a former missionary in France) clued us in that Bernie was singing in French.  Oh! The lights came on!  He must be singing for his parents. Are they here? we wondered.

   Yes, Bernie's parents were here.  They are from Haiti and have been living with the Moreaus for several months. They speak only French and are not members of the church.  The picture below is Bernie and his parents.  It was easy to see how proud they are of him.

They requested a picture of them with the entire Moreau family.  So here it is below: they are joined with Bernie's wife Ashley and their four children--Amare, Arabella, Anaiya, and Ariya. 

Friday, December 17, 2021

Relief Society Celebrates Christmas with Special Evening Event

    Since the activity was for women, the RS Presidency featured a program called "The Women Who Knew Jesus."  It was beautiful.  Participating from L to R are Judy Wilcox who read what Elizabeth, Mother of John may have felt.  Next was Kathy Marshall, speaking as the wife of a shepherd (also featured in front with one of her lambs.)  Next was Cathy Leonard, wife of the keeper of an inn, and then Anne Corbin portrayed Mary, the mother of Jesus.  It concluded with all the sisters in the room singing "Mary's Lullaby."

   The cultural hall  and tables were beautifully decorated and lent a festive feeling to the evening.  The programs were a digital art beauty.  A Christmas tree  decorated with leather-like card, each with a name that Jesus was known by in the scriptures.  Example: "Savior" or "Redeemer."  Each sister was invited to choose one to take home for her own tree.
                              Here are a few of the sisters who enjoyed the evening.

     The Decons who (it is rumored) volunteered to serve dinner and clean up, were a delight to the sisters.  They were so pleasant, and friendly, and looked like they enjoyed their service. The picture above is the boys in front with their Priesthood leaders behind.

Seven Year Olds Learn More About Baptism

     All children in the ward who will turn eight years old next year were invited to a special program which will help them get ready for this important event.  It was called "IT'S GREAT TO BE 8."  Baptismal songs were sung and Primary staff talked to them about what it means to be baptized and how important the event it will be in their lives.
   When it was Bishop Holden's turn to talk he included a special activity.  Inviting only the children for this event, and not the adults, he asked them to follow him.  He took them on a tour of an actual baptismal font (where the above picture was taken) and explained how the baptism would take place. This was intended to wipe away any fear the children may have of being baptized.

   In the Primary song called "Baptism" it says, "Now we know that we must also, Witness faith in Jesus' word. Be baptized to show obedience, As was Jesus Christ, Our Lord.

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Mokelumne River Ward Celebrates Christmas with a Dinner

The Christmas party was billed as a catered dinner. The word must have gotten out successfully--the hall was filled, and we couldn't get everyone in the picture--even with a wide angle lens.

   Amid beautiful decorations, members were renewing old friendships, and meeting new people.  Several non-members came and it was a delight to talk with them.

   The tacos and enchilada were a hit.  Then the elves brought out all kinds of Christmas cookies.   The children were devouring them by the plate full.

    The program which followed the dinner had been billed as a "variety show," and that was spot on. We saw everything from Polynesian dancers to a man who whistled to musical accompaniment. There was also a chance for everyone to join in some Christmas carols as the words appeared on the screen. It was a delightful evening enjoyed by all who were there.

Willa Joy Sroufe is Baptized

      Willa Sroufe became the latest "official" member of the church on November 20 when she was baptized by her father Adam Sroufe. In the top picture she poses for a photo with both her parents, Adam and Hilary Sroufe.  Grandparents Dan and Teresa Sroufe attended the baptism and supported Willa in her decision.  Below: Teresa poses with Willa and a special poster grandma made for the occasion. It lists Willa's outstanding characteristics.