Friday, December 17, 2021

Relief Society Celebrates Christmas with Special Evening Event

    Since the activity was for women, the RS Presidency featured a program called "The Women Who Knew Jesus."  It was beautiful.  Participating from L to R are Judy Wilcox who read what Elizabeth, Mother of John may have felt.  Next was Kathy Marshall, speaking as the wife of a shepherd (also featured in front with one of her lambs.)  Next was Cathy Leonard, wife of the keeper of an inn, and then Anne Corbin portrayed Mary, the mother of Jesus.  It concluded with all the sisters in the room singing "Mary's Lullaby."

   The cultural hall  and tables were beautifully decorated and lent a festive feeling to the evening.  The programs were a digital art beauty.  A Christmas tree  decorated with leather-like card, each with a name that Jesus was known by in the scriptures.  Example: "Savior" or "Redeemer."  Each sister was invited to choose one to take home for her own tree.
                              Here are a few of the sisters who enjoyed the evening.

     The Decons who (it is rumored) volunteered to serve dinner and clean up, were a delight to the sisters.  They were so pleasant, and friendly, and looked like they enjoyed their service. The picture above is the boys in front with their Priesthood leaders behind.

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