Sunday, December 19, 2021

A Glorious Christmas Sunday Meeting

    The Sunday before Christmas (12//19/2021) the ward was blessed with a beautiful Sacrament Meeting consisting (after the sacrament) of short narrations and a variety of music conceived by Jackie Perry who is the ward music chairperson. The program cover was illustrated with a lovely painting of the birth of Jesus.

    The Congregation sang several hymns separated by individual and group presentations. The youth in the ward performed "Away in a Manger" accompanied by Gillian Versteeg on the violin and Teresa Sroufe on the piano. It Came Upon a Midnight Clear was beautifully performed by Riley Broughton and his daughters, followed by the ward Primary singing "Could I Hold the Baby."

   The final number was a dramatic solo "O Holy Night" performed by Bernie Moreau and accompanied by Ruth Anderson. Bernie has a voice that rings through the rafters.  The song was longer than it usually is, but we hoped it could go on forever.  It was a little hard to understand the words on the last part, but Cliff Kerr (a former missionary in France) clued us in that Bernie was singing in French.  Oh! The lights came on!  He must be singing for his parents. Are they here? we wondered.

   Yes, Bernie's parents were here.  They are from Haiti and have been living with the Moreaus for several months. They speak only French and are not members of the church.  The picture below is Bernie and his parents.  It was easy to see how proud they are of him.

They requested a picture of them with the entire Moreau family.  So here it is below: they are joined with Bernie's wife Ashley and their four children--Amare, Arabella, Anaiya, and Ariya. 

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