Friday, December 17, 2021

Seven Year Olds Learn More About Baptism

     All children in the ward who will turn eight years old next year were invited to a special program which will help them get ready for this important event.  It was called "IT'S GREAT TO BE 8."  Baptismal songs were sung and Primary staff talked to them about what it means to be baptized and how important the event it will be in their lives.
   When it was Bishop Holden's turn to talk he included a special activity.  Inviting only the children for this event, and not the adults, he asked them to follow him.  He took them on a tour of an actual baptismal font (where the above picture was taken) and explained how the baptism would take place. This was intended to wipe away any fear the children may have of being baptized.

   In the Primary song called "Baptism" it says, "Now we know that we must also, Witness faith in Jesus' word. Be baptized to show obedience, As was Jesus Christ, Our Lord.

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