Saturday, December 11, 2021

Mokelumne River Ward Celebrates Christmas with a Dinner

The Christmas party was billed as a catered dinner. The word must have gotten out successfully--the hall was filled, and we couldn't get everyone in the picture--even with a wide angle lens.

   Amid beautiful decorations, members were renewing old friendships, and meeting new people.  Several non-members came and it was a delight to talk with them.

   The tacos and enchilada were a hit.  Then the elves brought out all kinds of Christmas cookies.   The children were devouring them by the plate full.

    The program which followed the dinner had been billed as a "variety show," and that was spot on. We saw everything from Polynesian dancers to a man who whistled to musical accompaniment. There was also a chance for everyone to join in some Christmas carols as the words appeared on the screen. It was a delightful evening enjoyed by all who were there.

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