Sunday, December 22, 2019

A Special Christmas Sacrament Meeting

   Today Mokelumne River Ward honored the birth of Jesus Christ through beautiful music and touching talks. Caden Webb sang an amazingly beautiful rendition of "O Holy Night," followed by the choir singing "O, Come Emmanuel" featuring soloist Marie VerSteeg.  They also sang two other Christmas hymns in the program.  The songs, "We Three Kings," and "What child is This" were sung by the McGhie family.  Their oldest daughter Samantha accompanied them on the guitar.
   Spiritual Christmas talks were given by the bishopric: Joseph Stringer, Tyler Burton, Tim Shull and Bishop Eric Holden.
  Following the meeting, a "Linger Longer" was held for everyone to enjoy food brought by members.  There was a lot more Christmas delights than these pictures show. The darling Santa Claus was designed and constructed by Hazel, Willa and Hilary Sroufe!
     This is just a portion of the large group of people who enjoyed food and fellowship with one another.  The next two pictures are a few people who didn't escape the camera.  We report that everyone had a wonderful time.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Relief Society Sisters and Elders Join Hands

     Casey Haynes, far left, is 1st counselor in the Elders Quorum presidency.  Missionary work falls under his domain.  It an effort to get families involved he brought a blank calendar into Relief Society one Sunday and said if the sisters would fill it up with dates to have a friend(s) over for an evening to meet with the Sister Missionaries, he would cook a dinner for them.
   This was quite an enticement, as Brother Haynes is well known as an excellent cook.The calendar filled up.  The Relief Society Christmas dinner was donated and cooked by Casey and his wife Jennifer and it was beautifully presented and delicious. Casey said it was a good deal.  Also helping him and Jennifer with the meal was Joseph Stringer and Brad Webb.
 The sisters enjoyed being served by the ward's Young Men and Young Women. They were very pleasant and capable.
This chicken dinner was out-of-this-world good.  After the main course everyone enjoyed desserts provided by the sisters.
After the sisters finished eating, the youth got to load up on all the extra desserts.  There wasn't much left after that.  This dinner was enjoyed by all!
   The sisters were able to take home two special gifts. Inside the red package on the left was a small ornament featuring "Away In A Manager" being held by Priscilla Quarnstrom. On The right are wooden inns made by Laurie Shore.  She and her husband Rocky made mangers for all of the sisters for Christmas two years ago.  It's definitely the season to be generous.  We are grateful.

Photo Essay: Amazing Ward Christmas Party

   The fun began with an invitation for everyone to come to the church and board the Polar Express.  We didn't know how much fun was going to be had.  Sister Cathy Leonard put it into words:  "It was really magical, beautiful, imaginative, exciting, fun, and heartwarming.  Everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves.  A lot of hard work on the part of many was obvious."
   The conductor of the train invited everyone to come for a ride, then he collected tickets that had been handed out earlier.  This conductor looks a lot like Bishop Holden, but we know it isn't him, because this charming man has a mustache, and of course the bishop doesn't.
   On the ticket, everyone was invited to come in their best pajamas.  These are three examples of some really fun pajamas. On the left are the McGhie children whose mom Julie was able to find coordinating pajama outfits for all of them.  Upper right are Willa, Starr, and Hazel Sroufe who also looked darling in their matching P.J.s.   But Teresa and Dan Sroufe take the prize for showing their love in identical plaid pajamas.  What fun!
  The decorations for this event were simply beautiful! The building was transformed into a winter wonderland.  Every detail was articulately placed.

    Dinner that evening consisted of food that every kid likes: pancakes and sausage.  Cooking was done by members of the Elders Quorum and really hit the spot.
    Right after dinner, and before train rides and Santa, several ward members were selected to present the real reason for celebrating Christmas.  Wade Broughton read the Christmas story from the bible.  Steve Demetras gave a few ideas for how we can teach the Christmas story in our homes.  It was excellent, and in addition he provided a copy for us to use in our homes.  It is on the blog a couple of entries before this.  Be sure and find it.  It's called Teaching the Christmas Story.  And lastly, Caden Webb sang "O Holy Night" with his beautiful voice.
   The primary delighted with Christmas songs especially for us.

Then it was time to board the Polar Express and head for Santa land.
   Santa was a hit!  He was very well dressed and obviously shops at the best department stores. He smiled at the children, listened to their requests, and had a helper with him who gave each child a treat.
   The cocoa stand featured hot chocolate with all kinds of "fixins."  It was manned by delightful young men and young women.
   Yes, an outstanding and never-to-be-forgotten event with lots of people helping, but these were the kingpins who worked tirelessly to put it together.  They are Don Daley, Elder's Quorum president; Casey Haynes, 1st counselor; Neil Anderson, second counselor; and Chris Congrave, secretary.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Gwen Daley Is Baptized

The Daley Family on Gwen's baptism day:  Behind are Don, Cori and son Tyler.  Front: brother Owen, and Gwen
     Gwen Daley, daughter of Don and Cori Daley was baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on November 23.  She was baptized and confirmed by her father. The baptism was presided over by Bishop Holden and witnessed by Cori Daley and Gwen's aunt Carli Glock.
   The talk on baptism was given by another aunt, Megan Daley.  Her grandmother Pam Daley gave the talk on the Holy Ghost.
   When asked what she was most excited about regarding her baptism Gwen replied, "That I would be forgiven of my sins."  The room was decorated with rainbows because Gwen loves the song, "When I Am Baptized."  It was a great day.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Our Amazing Singing Primary

    It's gotta be true!!  If you were witness to the Primary presenting our recent Sacrament meeting program, you know those kids can sing! Their music leader Hilary Sroufe does a fabulous job.  Each week she has a different shtick to not only teach them the songs but to help them feel the spirit.  She incorporates fun and feeling with the music. She often bears her testimony of the message in the music.
    These pictures are examples.  She had Bishop Holdon (top picture) and Brother Haynes (picture to the right) come. Both have a "blank pallet" for this activity. As the children sang she observed and chose a good singer to come and add "hair" to the heads of these dear leaders who are such good sports.  It was hilarious!  As you can see, the children sang very well.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Teaching the Christmas Story

As part of the Christmas program, Brother Steve Demetras presented some excellent ideas for teaching the Christmas story in our homes. Since there was a lot to remember, he posted his outline on the blog.  Feel free to use it to your advantage in teaching this beautiful story.

Resource Sheet for Teaching the Christmas Story
    Christmas can provide a special opportunity for you to bear witness of the Savior and the significance of his birth. Do you plan to spend time with your family and read again the scriptures that tell the Christmas story? That experience can be very meaningful,  or it can be commonplace and have little effect. With careful preparation and the help of the Spirit, you can teach the age old story with new life, new meaning, new power.
    You might consider asking some thought-provoking questions about the Christmas story.

    •    Why did the Father choose to send his Son to earth where and when he did?

    •    If that time and place were important, then why did he not send Jesus into the home of the ruling family where he could have had a broad political base of power to work from?

Steve Demetras
    •    Why did he not send the Savior to be born in Enoch's Zion? Think how different his reception would have been
     If the Father had waited until our modern age, the birth could have been reported worldwide via satellite networks.
Wouldn't that have been an advantage?
Some scriptures that might be used in this discussion are Isaiah 55:8-9; 2 Nephi 10:3-4; D&C 122:7-8; Hebrews 2:14-18.)

Some comparisons and types
1. He who was called the Life was born in the springtime, when all life is renewed (see John 14:6; D&C 20:1).

2. He who is the new David and the Root of David was born in the city of David (see Luke 2:4; Revelation 22:16; Jeremiah 23:5-6).

3. He who is the Bread of Life was born in Bethlehem, a city whose name in Aramaic comes from beth, meaning "house of," and lechem, meaning "bread" (see Luke 2:4).

4. The Lamb of God was born during Passover season (see Luke 2:7; D & C 20:1 ).

5. At the birth of the Light of the World, darkness was banished in America as a sign (see 3 Nephi 1:15, 19).

6. At the birth of the Bright and Morning Star, a new star appeared (see Revelation 22:1 6; Matthew 2:2, 9; 3 Nephi

7. He who taught that whosoever humbleth himself shall be exalted came into the world in the humblest of circumstances (see Matthew 23:11-12; Philippians 2:5-10).

8. The Magi from the East followed the light in the heavens, literally fulfilling prophecy (see Matthew 2:2; Isaiah 60:3).

9. He who was both Shepherd and King received homage from shepherds and kings (see John 10:11; Revelation 19:16; Matthew 2:1 1; Luke 2:1 5-16).

10. In America, evil men were threatening to destroy those who believed in the gospel of Jesus Christ. His birth saved them from death. The birth of Christ, that is, his coming to earth to work out the Atonement, saves all believers from
spiritual death (see 3 Nephi 1:4-1 8; 2 Nephi 9:8-9).

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Preparing for a Special Christmas Program

A lot of planning went into preparing 300 hand-made invitations for ward members to give their friends inviting them to the ward Christmas program December 22. They were invited to fast to help them know who to invite.
    The invitations were prepared by a large group of women: Achievement Day girls, Young Women, and Relief Society  sisters who got together one evening to paste, paint, and cut paper for this many invitations. It was like a beehive where everyone contributed to the honey being made.
   After that, text was prepared by Judy Wilcox and her husband Mark.  This is one of their hidden talents. These are some of the invitations:

   The Sister Missionaries showed an 18-minute film which has just be released by the Church and members are asked to share. It is called "The Christ Child" and tells the familiar story of Christ's birth--but in a surprisingly new and meaningful way.  It is hoped that those who see the film will be willing to share it.  Help celebrate the true meaning of Christmas by sharing and gathering with others.
    Above is an image from the film.  The directors tried to present all people in the video as real people, in extraordinary  circumstances.  "We tried to strip away a lot of the pageantry," the director said. All the dialogue is in Aramaic which is more historically accurate and allows for the dialogue to not detract from the story as it is recorded.
Records tell us all of the shepherds are not males.  Tending sheep was done by the family so there are women and girls in the story.  At one point a special moment occurs when a shepherd girl smiles at Mary, and Mary smiles back.
Mary and Joseph did not travel to Bethlehem alone.  There was a small group of people who made the journey together.
    Jesus was three years old when the wise men found him. It doesn't explain where they came from or why it took them so long to embark on their journey, but they were clearly men who knew and understood the prophecies and signs of His coming and they had come to find this Child.

Meet Our New Relief Society Presidency

New Relief Society Presidency for Mokelumne River Ward L to R: Suzanne Fairbanks, First Counselor; Lisa Clegg, President; BrieAnn Congrave, Second Counselor
   Our new Relief Presidency is a delightful group of sisters who are committed to serving, and sharing strong testimonies of the Gospel.
    Sister Lisa Clegg said that when she was called as president she immediately felt a surge of spirit and knew that she had been called for a reason.  She knew that she loved every sister, even those she did not yet know.  She felt this love throughout the following days--morning, noon and evening. She will be a wonderful Relief Society President.
    First Counselor Suzanne Fairbanks was surprised at the calling, as only recently she had been called to be a RS teacher. She said she is excited for this opportunity to serve and feels it is important for sisters to gather together and love each other more. She will be in presiding over the Sunday lessons.
    Sister Congrave will work with the RS sisters on their various weekday activities. She felt inadequate for the calling, but is excited at the same time.  She said she is willing and ready to serve.  The sisters in the ward look forward to working with their new presidency.

Three New Babies Welcomed

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Primary Presents Beautiful Sacrament Meeting Program

   Right from beginning members attending Sacrament meeting on November 24 knew there would be a special program that day.  The children had colored the front of the paper program with a picture of Jesus kneeling in prayer. The audience filled the chapel as well as about 1/3 of the cultural hall, as lots of family members from other wards were present.
    The primary studied the new testament this year and children gained a testimony by studying the works of Christ.  The program began by the children (so many of them that they hardly fit in the stand) sang "Paise to the Man" along with some signing for the hearing impaired. Another song was about reading the holy scriptures and knowing that they are true.  Other songs and talks well prepared completed the program.  The children have certainly built testimonies of the living Christ with their studies at primary throughout the year.