Sunday, April 26, 2020

Cori Daley Teaches her RS Lesson In A New Way

    The Coronavirus pandemic is still going on and we aren't being able to meet as a church group.  The picture of Cori on the right was taken during one of her lessons in the RS room.  This time she emailed her lesson to all the sisters.  She said this:  "I loved this talk when I first heard it and so wish I was actually facilitating this discussion at 1510 Century Blvd. today."
   It was an excellent lesson (Spiritual Capacity by Michelle Craig) with questions to think about, key points, her favorite part of the talk and her testimony.
   "As I have pondered the spirit of Sister Craig's message, I have been asking myself about increasing our spiritual capacity," Cori said.  "Specifically with a mind toward deciphering the voice of the Lord and His intentions for us regarding the well-being of others in our Covid-19 circumstances, knowing that there is more out there than the four walls of my home, and knowing that undoubtedly my fellowman is more in need now than ever before in my lifetime.
    "These realities have been weighing so much on my mind and heart.  My hope for us is that as we implement Sister Craig's four ways to increase one's spiritual capacity to receive revelation and come to know the voice of the spirit, that our hearts and minds will be led by the Lord in shining light on how we can not only serve within the walls of our own home, but outside of it also." 

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