Thursday, April 9, 2020

Coronavirus Sends Our Missionaries Home

  The Church has had to reshape missionary work because of the worldwide pandemic of COVID-19.  All six of our full time missionaries have returned home.  Senior missionaries Wade and Ann Broughten never made it to the MTC.  This is where things stand. Here are a few words from each one.

                                                       Alysabeth Webb, Chile Rancagua Mission
      This situation with all the missionaries has been pretty hard and sad for most missionaries in its own way. I am what President Nelson would say, "Hoeful for the future."  Not many missionaries can say they were called to two different countries, and it is cool to think that there are people in the United States and Chile who need to hear the gospel from a girl like me.  As crazy as times are, we can say steadfast and immovable, have peace in Jesus Christ, and understand that He has a plan for all of us. No normal man can understand the workings of God because they are mysterious, but they are so wonderful.  It is no coincidence that a world renowned heart surgeon is leading our great church in these times. I have a testimony of this gospel and it's true. I'm grateful that because of Jesus Christ's atonement I can be with my family forever, and I know that the gospel blesses families.


Chance Godi, Peru Lima North Mission
   I loved my mission and am upset at this whole coronavirus thing for robbing me our of 81 days that I should of had teaching, preaching and testifying and with the 18 days of quarantine in Peru, that is a total of 99 days that coronavirus stole from me changing the lives of many Peruvians with the great gospel message of peace and happiness.  I know that God lives and loves all His children, literally EVERY SINGLE ONE.  I know that He suffered so that we could obtain eternal life if we live the gospel of Jesus Christ.  I know that God has a plan for each and every one of  His children and sometimes we feel like we have received a bad deal, or something happened to us that was just not fair--but I promise you that in God's time you will look back and thank God for giving you that bad deal.  He knows what we need.  He knew that what I needed was to be a representative of Jesus Christ serving the people of the Peru Lima North mission.  I know that the Church of Jesus Chris of Latter-day Saints is the kingdom of God upon the earth and that following Him is the way to obtain eternal happiness.

                                                                    Evan Webb, Bolivia Santa Cruz North Mission

     Well, I guess that's a wrap on the whole mission!  I have to say, that it really was the best (almost) two years of my life.  I worked so hard to help the people that God put in front of me, and I feel that I have become a man that I'm really proud to be, and that's all thanks to the grace of God, that was won by the atonement of Jesus Christ.  I loved every moment of representing Him, and I felt so much of His support through the highs, the lows, the persecution and the pure bless seeing people be baptized.  WHAT A JOY!

Jackson VerSteeg, Brazil Belem Mission
     Jackson had an amazingly difficult time getting home, but once there this is what he said: "I took my first hot shower in 7 months which felt wonderful (and I didn't have to wear flip flops in the shower!)  Also got a steak and potatoes dinner.  Now, I am just on quarantine for 14 days, but it seems like there is no plan as to what will happen with me after this time.  It's kind of like having a vacation at home while on the mission, except I can't do missionary work.

Wade and Ann Broughten, North Carolina Charlotte Mission

Even though our mission has been canceled and we are no longer missionaries, we are thankful; to the Lord for blessing us with such great family here in Utah that have put us up.  We 

sold our home in California and are homeless.  We've now found an apartment to rent and will wait out the virus and then see if we'll go out on the mission to North Carolina.  It's been tough but hey, we can do hard things!  Right?  Miss our family and friends.  Stay well ever

Jeremy Banks and Kedrin Farlee have also returned from their missions.  We have not been able to obtain their information.

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