Friday, April 24, 2020

Young Women Spread Joy and Love

     Right in the middle of the coronavirus shutdown, the Young Women ventured out to spread joy to some of the ward members.  Young Women President Hilary Sroufe said, " I have  received some really sweet feedback from those who have received love from the YW.  You are making their day and bringing tears of joy during a very difficult time!  Let's keep it up."  (Please note that the girls are observing social distancing by staying outside of homes and using their imaginations to create messages of love.)
     Young mother Margaret Moon wrote this beautiful response to the girls' visit to her home. "Earthly angels visited my home today.  Clearly following divine prompting, they could not know how physically hard and taxing my days have been of late--specifically today.  I was overwhelmed with gratitude (ie: sobbing with a smile) to discover their delightful gift drawn across our driveway.
      "Your true love fills my heart, Sweet People.  You have given my children delight and wonder, smiles to my mother and husband, and you have gifted me something that I have no words adequate for.  I've never had such a gift before.  Thank you so very much for thinking me.  XOX"
    PS: My son said this,  "Somebody decorated our house.  We will have to investigate who did it.'"

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