Sunday, April 5, 2020

Teaching Your Children During a Pandemic

Fiona Moon, 7-year-old daughter of Margaret Moon and granddaughter of Kathy Marshall wrote a book about her experiences and these are five pages from the book.  Not only did she help with the masks being made at her house, she also recorded her thoughts about the situation and how her family was helping.
This is what Margaret wrote about the project:  This last week,our family has been very busy doing our part to help out doctors and nurses fight the good fight.  My mother, directing, cutting and sewing, daughter age 7 doing ironing and organizing, and son age 3 stacking.  I was laundering, ironing, and making binding.  We have carefully been working together to make reusable hospital masks to cover official ones, allowing each one to last longer through the day.  This has been a very special, bonding, humbling, even sacred week of love and service.  Our hearts are full and eager to do more.  The greatest gift is opportunity to serve. Many hands make burdens light.

Margaret has delivered over 200 masks for use in various places.

Note: A picture of Kathy and Fiona can be found in the newspaper story in a separate post.

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