Sunday, April 12, 2020

Using "ZOOM" to Communicate During Pandemic

   We've heard of several who have used Zoom (a program for holding meetings) to communicate with ward members.
   Hilary Sroufe, Young Women President, used it to play the game "Movie Emoji Pictionary" with the girls she works with.

    Joseph Stringer, Second Counselor in the Bishopric, held a meeting with Deacons via Zoom.  This is his report:  "I had each one report on how they are doing during this pandemic and how their families are holding up.  It was really refreshing to see thee Young Men again and
their zeal for life!!  A lot of them said how they enjoyed General Conference and the Hosanna Shout.  This really was a highlight of my day.  Deacons, we love and appreciate you."

  In addition, these meetings have also been held on Zoom: Stake Bishops council, Bishopric meetings, Ward Council meetings, YM and YW meetings and Bishop's interviews.  This is a screen capture of a Mokelumne River Ward council meeting held in April.

Click on the picture to see the names of those present.

Note: We will add more examples to this post as we hear about them.

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